Monday, April 29, 2013

Monday Meal Planning

     OMG, last week I cooked a healthy dinner every single night. I don't know if this has ever happened in my entire life, ever. Usually there is a frozen meal or takeout call somewhere in the mix of Monday through Friday. Admittedly, there are some overarching health issues that oftentimes impede my plans for the week so it was a doubleplusgood sorta thing. For several weeks now, we've also been trying "Experimental Food Friday" with some surprising successes (see avocado chocolate pudding below). I always resented cooking but I'm starting to overcome my initial hostility and slowly learning to enjoy the task. Hard to believe. 

We've been trying to cook fish twice a week. This week, the fella decided he wanted this task dolled out to him so he can fire up the grill (and get out dirty dish duty) to cook our dinner. Sold. 

Usually I try to make breakfast once over the weekend because weekdays don't leave much time for cooking in the morning. Somehow, I didn't quite manage that homemade breakfast this weekend so I'm thinking about whipping up some healthy muffins instead.

Creamy Goat Cheese Pasta with Spinach and Lemon
Continuing my lemon-in-everything kick...

I know it might sound scary but I've already tried this and it really works out swell. I opted for honey as my sweetener rather than maple syrup so I guess mine wasn't entirely vegan. 

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