Monday, May 21, 2012


Due to some health issues I will be taking a short break from the blog-o-sphere. The doctors are going to take some things out, stitch some things up, and send me home to recover. I'm sure I'll come back from this downtime with a ton of new posts to add. I plan on enjoying my convalescence to the best of my ability and have begun selecting the stack of books that will sit at my bedside...

Hugs and kisses til I return.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

For the Home:: Things You Didn't Know You Needed

They say that necessity is the mother of invention but I think sometimes it goes the other way. Here are a few examples of things that I didn't realize I desperately needed until I knew they existed...

Waterproof Notepad... no more ideas down the drain (I couldn't stop myself).
Source: via Carly on Pinterest

A clock that knits a scarf over the course of a year... seriously, I need this. 

Breakfast Maker. Enough Said.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Randomness:: Reasons to Smile

Mood disorder blues have been wreaking havoc on my days lately. No matter. This is the best reason to seek out things that make you smile or, even better, laugh. Allow me to share...

Source: via Carly on Pinterest

Source: via Carly on Pinterest

Don't we all feel a little better now?  

Monday, May 14, 2012

A Pink Sparkly Diamond Cupcake Party

Yes, it's true. I attended A Pink Sparkly Diamond Cupcake Party for my dear friend's three year old daughter, Iris. Pallavi, the mother/my friend, is one of those truly remarkable creatures that creates lively space all around her so I expected her to go all out for Iris' third birthday. I certainly wasn't disappointed and as this party helped me to secure my belief that Eleanor is as close to a human child I plan on producing I expect this is one of the few chances I'll have to blog about children's birthday parties which can be painfully adorable. There are no candle-blowing-out pictures or present-opening because I, ever true to my nature, bounced out early.

 Pallavi, the-hostess-with-the-mostess, looking fabulous and kitchen-savvy.

A delicious array of Indian dishes (P-funk does teach culinary classes for Indian cuisine) awaiting grown-up attendees. I was allowed to help stir the green one so I take all the credit for its uniform heating.

Proper party planners know that beverages are not to be overlooked... the margaritas were added as soon as the guests began arriving.

Birthday Girl Iris admires her diamond-themed cake, her own request.

Stepsister and soul-sister provided support with cake-making, flower-arranging, booze-distributing, and general moral support. 

Tiffany looking lovely and exuding positive energy as no one but Tiffany can.

P-Funk getting the kiddy food together. Health first, cake later.

One of the many busy projects prepared for the kids. Paint your own picture frame brought to you by Goodwill-savvy and an overzealous enthusiastic party planner. 

The destruction fun begins.

Caroline and her beautiful daughters. 
They all have the same elegant profile and propensity for staring at new arrivals. 

Happy 3rd Birthday Iris!

Sunday, May 13, 2012

a moment of motherly zen

After spending yesterday surrounded by young children at my friend's daughter's third birthday party I am particularly grateful to my dog Eleanor for fulfilling that generative need within me without actually requiring me to produce a human offspring. So, once again, our moment of zen for the week is brought to us by Eleanor or Smellanor as she is termed today. Someone has to bathe the beast...

Eleanor trying to befriend our neighbor's kitten. Anything living she assumes wants to befriend her. 
She doesn't get this from my side of the family... 

Saturday, May 12, 2012

Art Day:: A Week on the Web

Spending an excessive amount of time on the internet can rot your face off. True story. The internet can prove a wonderful addition to your life as long as it is kept in its proper place and not the central fixture of your days. I've learned many a splendid thing online, some of it actually true, and come across some awesomely talented artists through my world wide web meanderings. Today I'd like to share some of the artworks I've encountered  by way of the web... 

mixed media artist Jose Romussi

Japanese artist Sachiko Abe


photograph by Joschi Herczeg and Daniele Kaehr

Friday, May 11, 2012

Fashion Friday:: Skivvies

Later today I'm meeting with the amazingly talented Maria Vassett, an Arizona photograher who has shot the likes of Jeff Tweedy and Morrissey. Here is one of my favorite photos from her collection of the viciously striking Jayy Von Monroe from Blood on the Dance Floor:

Maria will take some photographs of me for a new self-indulgent writing project I'm working on about improving health (hopefully... well, that or a book on being sick in America). I'll have to get down to my skivvies in front of a camera which is a little frightening.

I'm not too worried. I have no shame. I did think it wise to put myself in the mindset with an undies-themed post in honor of the event.

The above does not represent my ass. Wish me luck!

Thursday, May 10, 2012

For the Home:: Moonspiration

How could our thoughts not drift toward the lunar after such a spectacular full moon earlier this week? Here are some moon-inspired pieces to bring thoughts of the night sky into your own home.

Source: via Carly on Pinterest

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Randomness:: Library Love

If I haven't yet professed my love for the library allow me to do so now. I love the library. It's my favorite socialist innovation and I'm a big pinko so there are quite a few I'm fond of. Tempe Public Library is my regular joint to case but I've been known to inhabit other spaces in nearby towns. If you don't have a library card, you should. Free books. I repeat, Free Books.

Monday, May 7, 2012

a moment of zen:: super moon

I was away from my computer all day yesterday so I apologize for this delayed moment of zen. 
Real life takes precedence, always.

Thank you, Mark, for taking better pictures than me which I then stole from your camera and posted (above). 

Friday, May 4, 2012

Fashion: My Boho Soul

I want to move unencumbered through the world with a lightness of spirit and an eye for beauty. While this mission will most likely be attempted in my thrift store finds and modge-podged outfits it is nice to imagine the lovely attire one might find if their bohemian being also had free-flowing funding.

Source: via Carly on Pinterest

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Mid-Week Motivation:: Yoga Johnny

Surprise, surprise. It's the middle of the week and I'm having a difficult time finding my motivation. After an awesome accelerated yoga session yesterday, I thought I'd be feeling like Yoga Johnny, ready to combat the world with the zen of my downward-facing dog. Instead, I feel like a nap and maybe a snack. Damn it. Here's to refocusing on my developing yoga powers of wellbeing.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Randomness:: Vintage Postcards

While I'm not big on nostalgia, I'm huge on kitsch. That being said, you can imagine my joy in finding this online archive for vintage postcards. Here are a few of my favs.  Can't go wrong with a bathing beauty.

Source: via Carly on Pinterest

Source: via Carly on Pinterest
Source: via Carly on Pinterest