Friday, November 30, 2012

Fashion Friday:: Chunky Knits

It's almost December and I'm still wearing shorts to walk my dog in the morning. In protest, I am only posting sweaters until it cools off. I know it's a desert but this is ridiculous.

Source: via Carly on Pinterest

Thursday, November 29, 2012

For the Home:: Happiness is a Warm Gun

I don't own a gun and, unless I see a zombie, I don't plan on purchasing a firearm. However, I have found some adorable additions for the gun-(or irony-)lover in all of us...

This post is brought to you by armed women everywhere.

Source: via Carly on Pinterest

Source: via Carly on Pinterest


Monday, November 26, 2012

A busy blogger is a bad blogger...

I've been super busy of late between the holidays descending upon us and other time constraints. This is my personal blog so it comes second to my other blog enterprise. Today, I devoted myself to my novel and lost track of time, forsaking blogging and laundry. I then rushed to make dinner and afterward I had to give a little time over to baking cancer-free cupcakes to celebrate my cancer-free self and loved ones (long story). My spirits are up but my schedule is packed!

I have to walk to the farmer's market at the end of my street with my fella and my dog now cause I have a cola craving only a Blue Sky Sodie Pop can end! See? Busy, busy...

Me, writing.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Buy Nothing Holiday!!

I pledge to purchase no new items for the holiday season.

That's right, folks. I've officially committed myself to a buy nothing Christmas. The pressure is almost overwhelming! There are only 31 days til Christmas (for an up-to-the-second counter head here). If I plan on hand making all my presents I better get my tuckus in gear! I'll post some of my projects in the coming weeks. Some crafting is upon us, I can guarantee it.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Reasons I am Thankful...

It's been a big year. Somehow, today being Thanksgiving, it feels like the year is already winding down. Presents and New Year's resolutions will be here before you know it. I have a lot to be thankful this year (every year) and would like to take a moment to acknowledge just some of these things...

1. Eleanor, the dog-faced girl, is my constant companion. Aside from being my ever-cheerful familiar, she constantly adapts the way I acknowledge the I-Thou of the natural world.

2. My growing family. From the addition of my brother's wife and children (one just born yesterday!) to the sudden influx of Andersons in my life, I feel like I went from always being part of a very small family to being part of quite the brood. Plus, we added some new dogs to the pack (Max and Gracie) so we're really a crowd now. It's pretty awesome.
(this is not actually my family. this family was borrowed from awkward family photos here.)

3. The desert. I feel like I belong in the desert. I love the desert at night especially. During the day, sometimes, I feel like my eyes are going to burn out of my face from the light. Just sometimes.

4. Pinterest. Judge me if you must but I'm a hoarder at heart. An information hoarder. I have notebooks full of it. I would clip images and glue blocks of text and scribble things down. Notebooks full of it. Couldn't find anything if my life depended on it. Somewhere there are pages on nothing but rocks. There must at least three notebooks on nothing but Buddhism. Artists. Words. Since I've become more computer dependent I keep documents full of these notes. Some just saved by date. Useless unless I go through them again one at a time. Pinterest has stopped the hoarding of paper scraps... for the most part. The secret boards have kicked my story boards into the electronic age. You naysayers can suck it. I love love love Pinterest. 

5. Books are my favorite thing. I might like books more than people. I don't mean to be a jerk here. I'm just trying to be honest. I really love the people in my life but if given the choice between them and a library full of books that I wouldn't have to leave, I would have to think long and hard about it. 

Family? What family?

Friday, November 16, 2012

On Vacation... in Bisbee!!

The fella and I are heading out of town for a mini holiday to charming Bisbee, AZ. The boyfriend is playing a music festival with his band and we decided to make a little trip out of it by heading up the night before the rest of the band arrives. Very exciting. More posts when I return!

Doesn't it look thrilling? I'll take more current photos... 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

For the Home:: Kitchen Gadgets

Since deciding I'm a wiz in the kitchen, I think it's time to expand my kitchen gadget collection. The wishlist is a work in progress but here are some items I'm considering...

The Julienne Peeler... genius.

Salt & Pepper Maracas

Gun-Egg Thing... okay, these selections lean more towards style than function. Bu, hey, it's my kitchen.

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Mid-Week Motivation:: Yoga!!

I have been making weekly goals aimed at improving my health. This week I added daily yoga practice to my list. I've been a proponent of yoga forevers (see spinal injury) but I slipped away from daily practice. This week I'm trying to push practice back into the sphere of the everyday event. This sequence looks like a great way to start the day, as slowly and gently as the arthritis will permit...

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Tuesday Randomness:: Logical Fallacies

Learn to live with a condition like CPH has meant, for me, learning to let go of anger and worry. The latter, I am learning, is much more difficult. It's not that I don't get angry. It's that I can't get angry without serious consequences so I have to try and stay as calm as I can no matter the situation. It's been a long road but six years of living with CPH in the extreme has lead me to seek some zen form of self. Still seeking, but hopefully on the path.

I sometimes find myself wishing some sort of philosophical discourse class was required of students. I had this idea when I was with my brother in New York a few weeks ago. He's big on the logical fallacy of black-and-white and has a more anecdotal approach to his theories on criminal justice. Horrifying, I know, but the kid is really quite charming most of the time.  I, for one, am often a perpetrator of Texas sharp shooting. Something I now try to remain aware of. I particularly abhor strawman attacks and ad hominem attacks. I try to not even engage back in these situations. It is difficult not to call out logical fallacies when they occur in arguments but it's best to avoid doing so because it just elevates the anger level of all involved.

Learn what fallacies you are victim to or perpetrators of here... argue responsibly. Others logical fallacies exist, of course, but this is a pretty fun list.

Monday, November 12, 2012

Project Monday:: Cooking!

Two weeks later and I'm still cooking!! What makes it even better is that I'm happy to report no serious injuries to my home or person, no fires, no inedible disasters! I should thank my brother. If it hadn't been for watching that putz in his domestic goddess form I would have never believe such things were possible for our people. Good work, young man. I even made a meal plan and, subsequently, a grocery list based on said meal plan. Eat me, Martha.

Here are some recipes I attempted or will attempt in the coming week... 

Linguine with Zucchini and Chickpeas
I know this might not sound awesome but it was honestly amazing. Everyone enjoyed.

Barbeque Tofu with Pineapple and Mango
I'm actually planning on making this for BBQ sandwiches along with BBQ chicken a la Mark. We might pass on the mango because this really isn't the time for such purchases. Pineapple is on its way out (I think) but I did find one today.

Carmelized Onion BBQ Grilled Cheese
This really needs no explanation.

Quinoa with Eggplant and Roasted Red Peppers
This super health recipe can easily go from vegan (for Mark) to not (for me) with the addition of feta... mmmm, feta. I'm going to make this on a gym night so we can feel extra healthy.

Update on my last food blog post... 

Three out of four ain't bad. I didn't make the Southwestern Acorn Squash quite yet. The baked garlic brown sugar chicken was just about the best (and easiest) thing ever! It was super delicious. I used the same coating on some salmon the following week. Also delicious. And, the lemon bars! Awesome. Easy. Tasty. I'm trying a revision of that recipe this week with a strawberry filling!

Saturday, November 10, 2012

Art Day:: Random Internet Findings

So for Art Day today I bring you my "Random Internet Findings." Throughout the week, I meander on the world wide web and take note of my favorite findings so that I might later share with others. Now for the sharing part. Here are some of my fav finds of late...

Thomas Jackson
Source: via Carly on Pinterest

Hamish Blakely

Glenn Arthur

"Vanity" by Frank Cadogan Cowper

Ross McEwan

Friday, November 9, 2012

Fashion Friday:: Holiday Season 2012

Yes, the holiday season is upon us which means more social gatherings which means more opportunities to fancy up and step out! I love this time of year! I'm on a limited budget (of zero dollars) so I'll be fancying up what is already lurking in my closet but here are some wishlist items should I suddenly find a way to fuel some funds into my sparkle budget.

I love polka dots!

And sparkles!
Source: via Carly on Pinterest

And tulle!

And more sparkles!

Thursday, November 8, 2012

Lifting the Library Embargo...

It's been a stressful week between doctors and more doctors but I've kept my goals in sight and I seem to be moving through it. As a reward for my efforts, I decided to break my library ban and triumphantly return to the world of book borrowing. I planned on only allowing myself two books. Of course, I left with an armful but I'm very excited about some of my finds this time...

I was looking for Ben Lerner's novel Leaving Atocha Station. The library didn't have a copy but they did have this collection of poems that I have yet to read.

Never read it. Always wanted to read it. Found the fiftieth anniversary edition in the "new books" section.

David Cross alternately annoys and amuses me. I suppose this must be like effect every person on the planet has on him. Here's hoping his book falls more to the latter side.

I've already read this book and I love it. My friend Mike knew I was looking for a copy so my fella could read it to and he found one on our library trip today. Very exciting times.

Hahaha. I really checked this book out. And, I'm really going to make something from it. Maybe not the roasted boar... maybe more like the honey biscuits. Thankfully, the book offers both the medieval and modern versions of recipes. 

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Some Wins, Some Losses

I woke up to some good news... and some not so good news. 
How the f- did this man get into office again?

Seriously, Arizona? I was out there voting. Who didn't get in on this? 

I almost have a hard time believing that people vote him in. Maybe it's a Hoover thing.
I don't know and I don't understand.

If you are unfamiliar with the antics of Sheriff Joe, I suggest you check out the New Times' coverage of our own local Goebbels or this article by Elise Foley of the Huffington Post because the shame certainly extends to a national level. 

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Tuesday Randomness:: Last Meals

Perhaps the diet has me feeling a little over dramatic. Anyway, I was thinking about "last meals" and found this collection by artist Henry Hargreaves who recreated last meals of famed death row inmates. The photographs can be seen online here

What would you choose for your last meal? 
I might opt for a cheeseburger. 

Monday, November 5, 2012

Monday Project: The Reverse Holiday 10

I'm going to lose 10 pounds this holiday season one way or another. Last year I really, really enjoyed the holidays to the fullest and put on 10 pounds I didn't manage to take off all year so this year I'm saying f- that noise. I can't post more right now 'cause I have to get my lazy tuckus to the gym!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Art Day:: Rune Guneriussen

One of my favorite blogs - Honestly... WTF - posted on Norweigan artist Rune Guneriussen. I just couldn't pass up this opportunity to share these installations. I love them!