Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Some Wins, Some Losses

I woke up to some good news... and some not so good news. 
How the f- did this man get into office again?

Seriously, Arizona? I was out there voting. Who didn't get in on this? 

I almost have a hard time believing that people vote him in. Maybe it's a Hoover thing.
I don't know and I don't understand.

If you are unfamiliar with the antics of Sheriff Joe, I suggest you check out the New Times' coverage of our own local Goebbels or this article by Elise Foley of the Huffington Post because the shame certainly extends to a national level. 


  1. aaaaaaaah I know!! I've been feeling more upset about him winning again than than happy about the presidential results. I've come to the conclusion that people are just completely uninformed and think he's great because he "cracks down on illegal immigration" and don't even know how he treats other human beings like non-human beings... or at least I tell myself so I don't lose all hope in this state haha. but on that note, what's up w/ term limits on presidents and not sheriffs?
