Thursday, November 22, 2012

Reasons I am Thankful...

It's been a big year. Somehow, today being Thanksgiving, it feels like the year is already winding down. Presents and New Year's resolutions will be here before you know it. I have a lot to be thankful this year (every year) and would like to take a moment to acknowledge just some of these things...

1. Eleanor, the dog-faced girl, is my constant companion. Aside from being my ever-cheerful familiar, she constantly adapts the way I acknowledge the I-Thou of the natural world.

2. My growing family. From the addition of my brother's wife and children (one just born yesterday!) to the sudden influx of Andersons in my life, I feel like I went from always being part of a very small family to being part of quite the brood. Plus, we added some new dogs to the pack (Max and Gracie) so we're really a crowd now. It's pretty awesome.
(this is not actually my family. this family was borrowed from awkward family photos here.)

3. The desert. I feel like I belong in the desert. I love the desert at night especially. During the day, sometimes, I feel like my eyes are going to burn out of my face from the light. Just sometimes.

4. Pinterest. Judge me if you must but I'm a hoarder at heart. An information hoarder. I have notebooks full of it. I would clip images and glue blocks of text and scribble things down. Notebooks full of it. Couldn't find anything if my life depended on it. Somewhere there are pages on nothing but rocks. There must at least three notebooks on nothing but Buddhism. Artists. Words. Since I've become more computer dependent I keep documents full of these notes. Some just saved by date. Useless unless I go through them again one at a time. Pinterest has stopped the hoarding of paper scraps... for the most part. The secret boards have kicked my story boards into the electronic age. You naysayers can suck it. I love love love Pinterest. 

5. Books are my favorite thing. I might like books more than people. I don't mean to be a jerk here. I'm just trying to be honest. I really love the people in my life but if given the choice between them and a library full of books that I wouldn't have to leave, I would have to think long and hard about it. 

Family? What family?

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