Sunday, March 31, 2013

a moment of zen

I love to imagine the surface of mirrors and lake are really only the barest divide between our reality and another. For that reason I like to have at least mirror in every room in case of boredom. I can allow my mind to slip through the portal and wander through alternate universes.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Desserts for Easter

Okay, so I'm not a practicing Christian... I'm more like a secular melting pot of puritanical traditions - one Hasidic grandmother and one Quaker - with a vicious anti-authority streak, a master's degree in religion & philosophy, and a spiritual commitment to Martin Buber. That being said, I love holidays. I'll celebrate them all. Holidays are a great way to break up the year so it doesn't pass in a blur of drudgery and isolation. It's a time to pause, connect, and enjoy. While I'd prefer to celebrate the Spring in some precursor pagan manner, I'll take what I can get. So Yay, Jesus isn't dead or whatever. Let's eat some cupcakes!

These might win out just because they are adorably pink and I'm trying to avoid chocolate due to the neurological condition. And, they're adorably pink. The color scheme really sets each holiday for me.

Maybe I'll pretend I'm not avoiding chocolate... just for as longs as it takes to eat this pie, the delicious cookie-like pie.

Super easy and cute. Sometimes, that is all I want in life... when it's time to up the dose (kidding).

Peeps are almost synonymous with Easter for me but they probably cause cancer or something. Better to make them at home and enjoy the splendor of childhood traditions without all the creepy additives.

Friday, March 29, 2013

Fashion Friday:: Vintage Flair

Loves me some vintage style. That's not to say I'm completely opposed to modern design, I just have a strong preference for retro fashions. I generally shoot for some incorporation of the past and present. Well, in all honesty, I shoot for bathing with regularity, but should I extend myself to dress for any occasion I take my inspiration where I will. Some examples? Por Supesto.

Source: viaCarly on Pinterest

Source: viaCarly on Pinterest

Source: viaCarly on Pinterest

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Seeing Red:: Yay Gays!

On the one hand, I'm thrilled to see a public platform like Facebook overrun with little red images supporting equality in marriage. On the other hand, I'm absolutely horrified that the Obama administration used this "distraction" to push through the massively fucked up Montesanto Protection Act (read more here). I'm horrified. Obeezee, you really screwed us all on this one. We're not friends anymore.

Anyhoo, it is the meme era and I've seen some pretty awesome modifications on the read equal sign image that many of us have selected as our Facebook profile. I wanted to take a moment to share some of my favs...

Equality and Black Flag

Equality for Gamers

Arizona's own meme cat, Tardar Sauce, approves of equality. 

Justice and Equality for all 'mericans! 

Nerds & droids for equality


My personal favorite.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Mid-Week Motivation:: Laugh a Little

I had a swell time with my brother in town. Our time together is always good for a few laughs and serves to remind me just how good a good laugh is. Allow me to share...

For all you working bastards not at the dentist this morning...

Me... all last week.

Slightly racist but well-intentioned.

Take a moment to take it in...

Philosophy humor always gets me.

Source: viaCarly on Pinterest

If nothing above amused you...

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Idea Tuesday:: Heroes

I define heroes as people in possession of qualities I aspire too. I think it's good to aspire to things. At the same time, I recognize the fallibility of our heroes so it's always wise to approach those we deem heroes as mere examples and not structured models. I read Heidegger. I do not aspire to be Heidegger. Many of those I would add to my list of heroes are drunks and womanizers and not always shining examples of morality. But they all have something.

Marguerite Duras

Carson McCullers

Woody Allen

Source: Carly on Pinterest

Anne Carson

Source: viaCarly on Pinterest

Norman Mailer

Groucho Marx

Giulietta Masina

Marcel Duchamp

Source: viaCarly on Pinterest

Monday, March 25, 2013

Monday Meal Planning:: Healthy Meals

Wheeew, it's sure been a week! I was taken out for a few days with health issues which led to some unexpected take-out and less exercise. Bleh. Time to get back on the ball. I'm looking forward to some super healthy meals this week. We had some family over for a BBQ Friday night and I made those tasty black bean burgers from a few weeks ago with some slight modifications. I also made a few pies for the occasion. This week has to be less about pies and more about produce (and quinoa)!

Doesn't this look like a sweet, refreshing light dinner? Something to be eaten in the backyard with iced green tea?

This recipe was already tested out on some recent visitors. It proved such a big success I'm revisiting it this week!

I loved the homemade black bean burgers so much I'm looking to expand my meatless burger options. This eggplant-based burger looks delish and it's vegan!

Mmmm, pesto. Now that I know I can make pesto, I'm seeking out healthier versions of our new favorite. Pair it with pasta and we've got a meal.

We're trying to eat more fish after reading Dr. Andrew Weil's anti-inflammatory diet. This one-dish meal looks healthy, simple, and tasty. What more could you ask for?

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Fashion Saturday:: Long Skirts!!

Okay, okay, okay, I forgot to put up my post yesterday. So Fashion Friday is a day late this week. My bad. Anyhoo, on a thrifting adventure with the fella last weekend, I found this terrible skirt my 15 year-old self would have flipped her lid over. Floor-length, black, perfectly paired with combat boots and some band t-shirt. For $2 I could afford to indulge my inner goth girl. I can always wear it around the house if I don't feel brave enough to venture outdoors in such a get-up. Who am I kidding? Of course, I'll end up wearing it out somewhere.

Source: via Carly on Pinterest

Thursday, March 21, 2013

For the Home:: Bohemian Sensibility

Still settling into the new place but it's moving along. The art is finding the right places on the walls. The tchotchkes are all finding their proper nook. Everything is coming together. Now, I need to work on refining those spaces from their functional present to their transcendent potential. This week, as with many others, I seek to draw from bohemian-styled spaces to create an eclectic and inviting home.

Source: via Carly on Pinterest

Source: via Carly on Pinterest

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Mid-Week Motivation

I need a refresher.

I might drop some green tea bags and essential oils in my yet to be used bathtub and forgot that I exist in a temporal place... for a couple minutes.

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Idea Day:: Crafts with the Kiddos

My nephews are visiting from NY. I've been trying to think of fun things to do with the kids. I have a few ideas stewing. Allow me to share...