Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Home Organizing:: The Handbag Fiasco

    Okay, home-organizer I am not, but given the confinement I find myself subject to during the summer months, I thought it a worthy undertaking to become more organized. That being said, I've been a little extra under-the-weather this week so I started small with my handbags. Now, most of the women I know are often in need of a good purse cleaning-out. I, personally, feel like Ally Sheedy in the Breakfast club every
Image from Cool in the 80s
time I have to dig something out of the bottom of my bag. Books, pens, chapstick, a million little slips of paper. I thought I might be the biggest culprit of handbag chaos until my friend (and bandmate) Lisa pulled two mismatched forks from her purse at a show earlier this month. These weren't generic restaurant forks either. They were forks obviously taken out of someone's home set. I love this chick. It inspired both the performance piece titled "Lisa's Bag" and a major overhaul of my own sordid collection of purses.
    I know right about now you're maybe starting to wonder what I could possibly find that would warrant a blog post. Or, am I just that desperate for posts after swearing off fliched images? No, no, fear not, dear reader. This gets weird. First, however, a little explanation. I'm a writer. I only have limited computer time each day because I can't handle the light from the computer screen for extended intervals (seizures) so I do most of my writing by hand and type the text in at a later time. Second, I have quite a few handbags.  More than I need, one might suggest at great risk to her own person. I have, since this little organizing adventure, thinned my collection substantially. So what you see below was spread out through several bags. I did not include any items I found that might be construed as legally compromising at the discretion of my attorney, Eleanor the dog-faced girl. Take that as you will.*

Grand Total:

9 Chapsticks
37 Pens

*I am, of course, referring to that ticket from Yuma I recently addressed. 

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