Monday, June 4, 2012

Food:: Egg Salad Lesson

So there I was, staring into the abyss of my post-surgery refrigerator. Almost empty. Two weeks of illness followed by two weeks of recovery does not lend itself to grocery shopping and aside from a constant supply of ginger ale no one thought to help replenish the food stores (nor did I ask) during my "downtime." No problem. I had half a dozen eggs three weeks past code which placed them in the use-them-or-lose-them category. A little mayo, mustard, and seasoning and I would myself some delicious homemade egg salad. When whipping together something on the fly I've learned it is best to pull out the ingredients I intend on using so I'm not left with any last minute trips to my neighbors' homes in search of sugar or whatever. So I boiled the eggs and pulled out the ingredients I would need...

New Rule::  Check the expiration dates on intended ingredients.

Now, that mayo doesn't look particularly threatening, does it? Right after I chopped up my eggs and opened up the jar of mayo I realized that this jar has seen better days. To be quite honest, it's seen better years because it expired in 2011. I had to run to the grocery store to get a new jar before I could complete my egg salad adventure

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