Thursday, January 31, 2013

For the Home:: Pink Perfection

After years as a raging tomboy, I had a life changing experience with red lipstick and began a journey into the girly years for whence I hope to never emerge. That being said, I have always loved pink, even when the only pink I wore was a Pink Floyd t-shirt over baggy jeans (gotta love the 90s). I would love to find new ways of incorporating pink into my home but I have to negotiate space with the fella and I don't know how in favor he would be of my color scheme. We'll continue negotiations...

There is a difference between a soft hue and a Barbie palace nightmare.

What if we painted only half the walls pink??

I do the cooking so I should pick the color of the kitchen. In fairness, he does the dishes. I hate dishes.

Alright, alright, maybe we could just highlight in pink? 

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