Monday, June 25, 2012

Food:: Failed Lasagna

Lasagna is strangely enough the one food my mother could make that proved not only edible but delicious. My vegetarian years rendered me uninterested in her ground beef-based dish when I was trying my hand at cooking as a teenager so I never acquired the recipe from her. How hard could it be? If my mother can accomplish this meal I had no doubt it was within my grasp as well. 

I gathered my ingredients on the counter. Cheese, tomatoes, pasta, everything. After the recent egg salad incident, I always gather all my ingredients before embarking on a recipe.

First, one must cook the noodles. This is where I failed. How embarrassing. Not even through the first step. The pasta came out in a clumpy, unusable mess. I turned to Facebook for answers. My cousin suggests cooking the pasta in more water. Maybe adding a little olive oil. Any other recommendations are welcome. I will try again. 

What I hoped for... 

What I got... 

all me

1 comment:

  1. So very very sad, and a little gross. Keep practicing.
