Monday, April 22, 2013

Junk Food Copycats

Sometimes we all want something bad for us. Living with a medical condition, it's not always a matter of drive-thru when the craving hits. I have to make my own food at home. And, every once in a while (usually around my period), I'll sit at home thinking about some forbidden food. After the Homemade Hostess adventure, I see the endless mimicking possibilities. Here are my worst menstrual cravings (minus chocolate which is bad for headache conditions) transmogrified into at-home versions. I'm probably over-sharing.

Be still my heart. These always remind me of visiting my grandparents in the summer with my kid brother. I love love love oatmeal creme pies.

God only knows what is actually in KFC Chicken, if that's even chicken. This particular fast food joint represents so much grossness I haven't partaken in sooo many years. At least, I know that if I really want the deliciousness without the vileness, I can make it on my own. 

Why is it that everything I crave reminds me somehow of childhood? This is suddenly getting way more Freudian than I anticipated. Oh well. These cookies are too delicious to care.

Um, this one breaks me sometimes and every time I give in, I'm horrified in the wake with visions of liquefied roast beef and chemical-laden cheese. Gross and yet oh-so-good. I think this was my mom's idea of a "healthy" dinner out when I was a kid. It was a sandwich, after all.

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