Friday, November 23, 2012

Buy Nothing Holiday!!

I pledge to purchase no new items for the holiday season.

That's right, folks. I've officially committed myself to a buy nothing Christmas. The pressure is almost overwhelming! There are only 31 days til Christmas (for an up-to-the-second counter head here). If I plan on hand making all my presents I better get my tuckus in gear! I'll post some of my projects in the coming weeks. Some crafting is upon us, I can guarantee it.

1 comment:

  1. that is ABSOLUTELY COMPLETELY AWESOME of you!! I'll def be hitting up thrift stores for some things since I'm not too crafty but I admire your idea so much! I'd love to see what you create. & those counters are always the silliest, I haven't thought a bit about gifts yet haha. & thx for your super sweet comment on my style: )
